These activities by Michelle DuToit demonstrate geometric construction using Mathomat V7 using features such as the TGT and Arcbuilder scale.
These printable activities show how to replace compass and straight edge construction using Mathomat. They are based on the Mathomat Builder manual activities and use Professor Chris Tisdell's TGT, the Arcbuilder scale, protractor and perpendicular lines in the Mathomat V7.
Here you will learn the ways a line is marked that will help us indicate the type of line it is which plays an important part in construction.
In this activity you will learn how to use two different tools to draw perpendicular lines - the protractor and the arc builder scale.
Here we use the Arcbuilder scale for constructing arcs. Follow the instructions and learn how to do precision, hands-on, construction work.
Print the two worksheets for this investigation. Continuing from the previous activity, complete the drawings for steps 7 to 10 of the instructions.
Print the two activity sheets in this investigation and use them to draw parallel lines. In the first activity we use Tisdell's Geometry Tool (TGT) in Mathomat.
Print the two activity sheets in this investigation and use with your Mathomat to draw circles using Arc builder and angles using circles.
Print the two activity sheets in this investigation, and use with your Mathomat for geometric constructions. We use the TGT and protractor as tools.
In this activity you will learn the geometric construction of a 30° angle using two different tools - the protractor and Arcbuilder.
Print the two activity pages from this investigation. Use them with your Mathomat to construct a drawing of a 60° angle using Arcbuilder and TGT in Mathomat.
This activity uses two different tools for geometric construction of a 60° angle without the use of a protractor - the Arcbuilder and TGT.
Get a glimpse of the tremendous potential for using Mathomat as an aid to teaching mathematics.
Using a series of Mathomat products and templates, learn maths and geometry with Pr. Chris Tisdell.
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